Wednesday, April 29, 2009

** First post... still working on it!!

The title of the blog comes from the last bit of my favorite movie -- really, favorite of all favorites, the only number one -- Wild Strawberries. "If I have been feeling worried or sad during the day, I have a habit of recalling scenes from childhood to calm me. So it was this evening."

You should know that I love Ingmar Bergman.

Oh, and Morrissey. Yes, the ex-Smiths singer. Which brings me to the subject of this first post (a post that hopefully marks a quirkiness I am to maintain through this movie blog).

Morrissey has fun, obscure (see the list of movies I wanted to see not available on Netflix), super-British, oldschool taste in movies. So, I've compiled a little list of the The Best of Morrissey's Favorite Movies.

- The Collector
I read this book a year or two before I saw the movie then found out how Morrissey liked the movie as well. "What difference does it make?" is a line from the movie, and Moz stole an image from the movie to grace the cover of his single title that after that line. The story of the use of the image of Terence Stamp holding a glass of milk is explained on Wikipedia.

You can understand why Morrissey would love this movie. Though a complete sociopath, Terence Stamp's character is a sympathetic, pathetic character without friends or a decent idea of how to find love and companionship. And maybe I'm the only one who felt that degree of sympathy. Maybe it's also the movie; the book didn't make me feel as much sorrow and, almost, affection for the character (his tone of diary entry was much more sadistic and eager). I think it's Terence Stamp's face -- kind of like ____ in Psycho, a man that is not ugly or grotesque-looking but somehow attractive and sad, the kind that you'd like to cheer up or rescue. Um... kind of like Morrissey. Not that I think Morrissey is a psychopath.

Of course, this is the best line of the whole movie: "You could fall in love with me if you tried. I've done everything I could to make it easy. You just won't try!"

- Brighton Rock
- Rebel Without a Cause
- Withnail and I
- Accatone
- Taste of Honey
- Alice Adams
- Billy Budd
- Speedway
- Little Man, What Now?